Zontik Games values you as a customer and wants to ensure that you receive the best price available. If you happen to find a lower online price, and meet the terms and conditions below, Zontik Games will not only give you 100% of the difference, but an additional 2% discount. That's 102% of the difference!
Price Guarantee Terms & Conditions:
- The product must be the exact same make, model, and color as purchased at Zontik Games.
- The online merchant offering the lower price must have the product currently in stock and available for immediate delivery.
- The online merchant must be an established U.S. site, as determined by Zontik Games. This Price Guarantee does not apply to auction sites.
- Price Guarantee applies to price of the item, before any shipping charges, handling fees, processing fees, taxes, etc.
- Claims must be received before order is placed.
- Limited to one claims per customer in any 60 day time period.
- Limited to one of the same item number per customer.
- Does not apply to merchants offering factory-reconditioned, refurbished, closeout or previously returned items.
- Does not apply to merchants offering special promotions such as sale prices, rebate offers, coupon offers, quantity discounts, special orders and/or membership requirements for buyers and/or sellers.
- Does not apply to merchants offering prices below publicly listed item price.
- Does not apply to offers made by manufacturers.
- Price Guarantee applies to online orders only.
- Price Guarantee applies to items for which no other offer, promotion or incentive that may otherwise be provided by zontikgames.com has been utilized or accepted by customer.
- Zontik Games must be able to confirm the lower price, and unconfirmed prices will not be honored.
- Zontik Games reserves the final right to best determine eligibility for this Price Guarantee.
- Price Guarantee is subject to change without prior notice.